Electronics |
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We provide electronic components and OEM
services from the following companies.
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For further information
about any of these products or services,
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Gilland Electronics.
Cable and wire management accessories: cable bushings & ties, insulating caps, LED/transistor
spacers, board spacers & more - SHINAGAWA SHOKO (SSK)
Gilland Electronics is an Authorized Distributor for Shinagawa Shoko products.Catheter wire, spring wire, springs - MITAKA
Gilland Electronics is an Authorized Distributor for Mitaka products.
Glass Light Guide Plates and Rods for distributing LED and UV-LED light over broader areas at lower cost, or into
environments susceptible to contamination or hostile to human occupation - LUMINOUS JAPAN
Gilland Electronics is the exclusive US importer and Authorized Distributor for Luminous Japan Light Guide products.
Millimeter-wave integrated components, sources, subsystems, test equipment - ELVA-1
Gilland Electronics is the exclusive US importer and Authorized Distributor for ELVA-1 products.
PCB hardware, surface-mounted standoffs, pins, terminals, sockets, test points & more - MAC-8
Gilland Electronics is an Authorized Distributor for Mac8 products.Pins for test sockets - MITAKA
Digital radio links, P-P, PMP, 40/60/70/80/95GHz, up to 10Gbps Ethernet - ELVA-1
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Last updated 17 February 2021, 9:34 AM